Sunday, September 8, 2013

Science Band 6 ( Food )

Importance of balanced diet

§getting the nutrients needed
§quick thinking
§more active less tired
§prevents the three major killers and other diseases

Healthy eating habit

   §Three meals a day
§Eat a healthy breakfast
§Eat less in the evening
§Eating small frequent meals
§Eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly to aid in your digestion
§Obtain protein from a less complicated source
§Choose a variety of whole grain products
§Choose a variety of fruits and vegetables that are deep in color
§Avoid processed food
§Drink plenty of clean water
§Choose low fat dairy products, lean white meats or wild fish

Healthy balanced diet

 §Banana (105kcal)
§One serving of cornflake + skimmed milk (186kcal)
§Two slices of whole wheat bread (139kcal)
§A cup of hot skimmed milk (86kcal)
§One cup of salad (66kcal)
§One plate of rice (205kcal)
§1/2 breast, bone and skin removed chicken (141kcal)
§1 glass of orange juice (112kcal)
 One cup of salad (66kcal)
 •Roasted chicken breast-meat only (141kcal)
 •A glass of soya (94kcal)

Food Sensitivity of Culture and Religion?

   §Pork is forbidden for Muslims and Christians.
§Hindu religion forbid its followers from eating beef.
§Some of Jewish vegetarians wishing to remain consistent with vegetarianism and does not desire to eat meat .

1 comment:

  1. As our diet has changed from an agrarian society's nutrient rich food supply to the urbanized highly processed, artificial foods, our total food consumption has risen. food that you can freeze
